EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: Quick Reference - What to do
Emergency: 911
- Clearfield County 911 Center Non-Emergency Numbers:: 1-800-689-3535 (Clearfield County only) 814-765-9911, 9912, 9922
- Penn State DuBois University Police:
- 814-375-4734/4710 or County 911 Center Business Services: 814-375-4710
- Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-932-0313
- Penn State Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-560-1637 PSU-Emergency Management
- CALL 911
- If a minor fire appears controllable immediately contact Business Services: 814-375-4710
- If an emergency exists activate the building alarm and CALL 911
- Evacuate to a safe area at least 500 feet from building and out of harms way
- If you are injured or trapped call 911 and report your location; place a piece of clothing outside the window as a marker for rescue. Shout at regular intervals to alert rescue to your location
- Call 911
- Take cover under tables, desks or other places where you will be protected from falling debris
- Activate the building alarm and when it is safe, leave the building and move to an area 500 feet from building
Medical Emergencies
- If serious injury or illness occurs on campus CALL 911 and then Health Services
- For a minor injury or illness Contact Health Services at 814-375-4765
Bomb Threats
- If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus DO NOT HANDLE OBJECT!
- Clear the area and Call 911
- If there is a phone call bomb threat, attempt to ask the caller:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why did you place the bomb?
- Talk to the caller as long as possible and document the following:
- Time of call
- Age and sex of caller
- Speech pattern, accent
- Emotional state of caller
- Background noise
- Business Services personnel will make a cursory bomb search. Employees are requested to make a visual inspection of their area for suspicious objects and report the location to Business Services.
Violent or Criminal Behavior
- If you are a victim or a witness to any on-campus offense or observe a criminal act or suspicious person on cam- pus, CALL 911
- Supply the officers with any additional information they request
Media Inquiries
- Do not attempt to answer media questions about campus emergencies— refer them to Public Information Office 814-375-4776.
Active Shooters
- An active shooter is a person whose activity is immediately causing death or serious injury—threat is not contained.
- Remember the "SAFE” Program
- "S" search for an exit
- "A" alert the authorities
- “F” find a safe place to hide
- “E” end the threat
Utility Failure
- Contact Business Services at 814-375-4710
- If an emergency exists CALL 911
- Activate building alarm if needed
- Building evacuation will occur when an alarm sounds. Move to a clear area at least 500 feet from building
Hazardous Materials
- Any spillage of hazardous material must be reported immediately to Business Services 814-375-4710
- Report material involved and exact location
- The key person on site should vacate the affected area and seal it off to prevent further contamination until Business Services arrives.
- Anyone contaminated by the spill should avoid contact with others, remain in the vicinity, give their names to Business Services
- If an emergency exists, activate the building alarm
- When alarm is sounded, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit
- Outside move to a clear area at least 500 feet from the building
- If indoors seek refuge in doorway or under desk. Stay away from windows and heavy equipment
- If outdoors quickly move away from buildings, utility poles, and other structures
- CALL 911 and report damage to Business Services 814-375-4710
Weather Emergencies
- For information refer to http://dubois.kongtiao11.com
- Throughout the event continue to check the college website and monitor local TV and radio stations for announcements
- Register for emergency cell phone text messages at: newswires.kongtiao11.com/
- Proceed to the lowest floor in building
- Assist the handicapped
- Stay away from windows or sit in hallway
- Remain put until clearance is given
Psychological Crisis
- A psychological crisis may exist when a person is threatening harm to themselves or others or appears out of touch with realty.
- Never try to handle on your own when in a situation you feel is dangerous
- Notify Health Services 814-375-4765
- In extreme emergencies, CALL 911
- Other offices that could assist—Director of Student Affairs-814-375-4766 or Business Services –814-375-4710
Civil Disturbance or Demonstrations
Most campus demonstrations such as marches, meetings, picketing, and rallies will be peaceful and non-obstructive. A student demonstration
should not be disrupted unless one or more of the following conditions exists as a result of the demonstration:
- INTERFERENCE with normal college activities
- PREVENTION of access to college offices, buildings or other facilities
- THREAT of physical harm to persons or damage to facilities
Emergency: Dial 911
Clearfield County 911 Center Non-Emergency Numbers:: 1-800-689-3535 (Clearfield County only)
814-765-9911, 9912, 9922
Penn State DuBois University Police:
814-375-4734/4710 or County 911 Center Business Services: 814-375-4710
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-932-0313
Penn State Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-560-1637 PSU-Emergency Management
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